Our Philosophy


Our philosophy draws upon the Reggio Emilia approach and our children spend a lot of time outdoors engaging and learning through unstructured play with what many regard as the third teacher: the environment.

What is the Reggio Emilia Approach

The Reggio Emilia approach to early learning has become the benchmark for excellence in teaching young children.

The Reggio Emilia Approach is an innovative and inspiring approach to early childhood education, which values the child as strong, capable, and resilient, rich with wonder and knowledge. Acknowledging that every child brings with them deep curiosity and potential and this innate curiosity drives their interest to understand their world and their place within it.


The Reggio Emilia approach originated in the town (and surrounding areas) of Reggio Emilia in Italy out of a movement towards progressive and cooperative early childhood education.

It is unique to Reggio Emilia. It is not a method. There are no international training colleges to train to be a Reggio Emilia teacher. Outside of the town of Reggio Emilia, all schools and preschools (and home schools) are Reggio-inspired, using an adaptation of the approach specific to the needs of their community. This is important, as each student, teacher, parent, community, and town are different. No two Reggio- inspired communities should look the same, as the needs and interests of the children within each community will be different.

Typically, the Reggio Approach is applied to preschools and early childhood settings but I think, with an understanding of the general principles, this inspiring child-led approach can be adapted to the home as well.

Fundamental Principles

There is a strong focus on social collaboration, working in groups, where each child is an equal participant, having their thoughts and questions valued. The adult is not the giver of knowledge. Children search out the knowledge through their own investigations.

The adult is a mentor guide

Our role as adults is to observe (our) children, listen to their questions and their stories, find what interests them and then provide them with opportunities to explore these interests further.

The Reggio Emilia approach takes a child-led project approach. The projects aren’t planned in advanced; they emerge based on the child’s interests. There is an emphasis on documenting children’s thoughts and making their thoughts visible in many ways: photographs, transcripts of children’s thoughts and explanations, visual representations (drawings, sculptures etc.), all designed to show the child’s learning process.


Join us as we provide our children with a core foundation that will guide them through life towards becoming active members of the community and stewards of the future. Benefit from being a part of the wonderful family at Little Learners EDEC and become a cherished member of our inclusive family.